2nd Samuel was written,
perhaps, by the king’s scribes. In this book Saul dies and David is anointed
king over Judah and then Israel. The ark is brought to Jerusalem. In 2nd Samuel
you’ll find the story of David and Bathsheba in chapter 11. It is a story of
lust, love, honor and dishonor and in the end Bathsheba marries David and bears
him a son. But we’re going to look at a different family story. Before you read
2nd Samuel 15: 1-12 there are a few things you need to know to understand this
passage. There is a back story. Absalom, David’s son, is angry with his father
for how he dealt with an earlier situation. Because David had children with
many different women there are some interesting, to say the least, family
dynamics. Absalom had a sister, Tamar, who was quite beautiful. His
half-brother, Amnon, lusted after her until he finally raped her (read all of
chapter 13). King David, though furious, did nothing to Amnon. Absalom plotted
for two years until finally he killed Amnon in revenge then fled and stayed
away for three years, banished. When he finally was allowed to return he went
back to his own house, but could not let David see his face. This went on for
two years until Absalom did something that resulted in his father accepting him
again. Then came his conspiracy: